Companion Resource

Careers in Agriculture
A secondary level e-book designed as a guide for students and young people considering their career opportunities by presenting them with a current, in-depth, thorough, and real view of the agricultural industry. Each page is equipped with interactive links to videos, further reading, and more.
Two versions of the digital e-book have been created. One version features the Careers in Agriculture E-Book which contains 38 pages with articles describing the need and expanse of agricultural careers. The second version, Careers in Agriculture E-Book with Career Profiles, contains the similar introductory pages along with over 80 career profiles (navigated from page 31).
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- Career Trek: From Farm-to-Fork
- Find Your Future Career (Grades 6-8)
- Think in Pictures: Like Dr. Grandin (Grades 3-5)
- Think in Pictures: Like Dr. Grandin (Grades 6-8)
- Energy Bar Exploration
- Career Gaming
- Journey 2050 Lesson 6: Careers (Grades 6-8)
- Journey 2050 Lesson 6: Careers (Grades 9-12)
- Culinary Concepts
- Discover Agriculture Careers: One Problem at a Time (Grades 9-12)
- Discover Agriculture Careers: One Problem at a Time (Grades 6-8)