Companion Resource
Parent/Offspring Cards
This kit contains full-color pictures of chicken breeds that can be used to highlight similarities and differences between parents and offspring and to discuss inherited traits. A great complement to any unit on heredity. Order this kit online from agclassroomstore.com.
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- Peas in a Pod
- Sheep See, Sheep Do (Grades 3-5)
- Hatching Science with Classroom Chicks (Grades K-2)
- Hatching Science with Classroom Chicks (Grades 3-5)
- Inherited Traits in the Living Corn Necklace (Grades 3-5)
- Apple Science: Comparing Apples and Onions
- Rock, Paper, Scissors: Dominant and Recessive Traits
- Eggs: Protein MVP