Companion Resource

Food and Farm Facts Booklet
The 2024 Food and Farm Facts is a 32-page booklet filled with the latest Ag Census data, which has been analyzed by economists from the American Farm Bureau Federation. This data has been organized into easy-to-read graphics. Topics include Consumers, Modern Farmers, Trade & Economics, Environment, Production, and an Agricultural History Timeline.
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- That Was Then, This Is Now
- Supply and Demand: What If?
- Growing a Nation Era 3: Prosperity and Challenges
- Journey 2050 Lesson 4: Economies (Grades 6-8)
- Agricultural Production Regions in the United States
- Journey 2050 Lesson 4: Economies (Grades 9-12)
- Growing a Nation Era 4: Into a New Millennium
- Esperanza Rising
- Farm Animal Life Cycles
- Pizza Time!
- My Farm Web (Grades K-2)
- My Farm Web (Grades 3-5)
- Agriculture and Me
- Agriculture Pays
- A Search for the Source (Grades K-2)
- A Search for the Source (Grades 9-12)
- A Search for the Source (Grades 6-8)
- A Search for the Source (Grades 3-5)
- A Day Without Agriculture (Grades K-2)
- A Day Without Agriculture (Grades 3-5)