Companion Resource

Farm Pop-Ups
Students use this template to create a pop-up game to reinforce agricultural concepts concerning various plants and animals. Templates are available for apples, cows, dairy, pigs, sheep, and turkeys. Teachers can use the blank template to create their own pop-ups to reinforce concepts and understanding for any area of study.
File, Map, or Graphic
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- A Search for the Source (Grades K-2)
- A Search for the Source (Grades 3-5)
- Agriculture and Me
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades K-2)
- Pigs on the Farm (Grades K-2)
- A Rafter of Turkeys
- It's a MOO-stery! (Grades 3-5)
- Pigs on the Farm (Grades 3-5)
- Who Grew My Soup? (Grades 3-5)
- Baa, Ram, Ewe... Sheep Tales
- Farm Animal Life Cycles
- Who Grew My Soup? (Grades K-2)
- Making a Brand for Ourselves the "Cowboy" Way
- A is for Apples
- Animals on the Farm